Mike's Arcade for

  Windows, Mac OS, OS X

Mike's Cards for

  Mac OS, OS X

Mike's Marbles for

  Windows, Mac OS, OS X

Download all of Mike's games and enjoy the free demo modes!
If you like all three of Mike's Games and would like to register, then choose
"Mike's 3-Pack" when you register to unlock all three games for the price of two!

Mike's F.A.Q.

Q: The website to purchase a registration code does not work. What do I do?
A: The Kagi store that used to process purchasing is no longer in business.
View the register page for new instructions.

Q: All of the playable cards are getting dimmed, why?
A: You likely have the caps-lock key turned on. This is a feature to show you playable cards, as is holding the shift key. Simply turn off the caps-lock.

Q: I don't like the game playing cards automatically to the foundation for me. Can't I stop this from happening?
A: Yes. Turn off the "Autoplay" option in the "File/Preferences" sub-menu.

Q: Sometimes a column of cards gets so large that I can't see the cards very well because they overlap so tightly. Any suggestions?
A: The game window is resizable. If you resize it to be taller (and narrower), you can create more room at the bottom so that the cards won't have to overlap so tightly. Also, if you just want to see a particular card, you can pick up the cards above it by clicking on the card above the one you wish to see.

Q: I have the newest version, but there is still some problem, like a blank background, the program freezes or quits, etc.
A: If there is still a problem, these kinds of things can be fixed by trashing the preferences file. It is named "Mike's Cards Prefs". You can use "File/Find" from the Finder menu to locate it. If you are registered, the program will ask for your registration again, so be sure you have your registration number handy.

If things still don't work, then trash the preferences file again, and also trash the entire "Mike's Cards" folder. Then start from scratch and download the full install from this web site.
Q: This FAQ does not help me, or, I wish to report a problem. How can I contact you?
A: You can find the e-mail address to contact me directly in the "Read Me" file that came with the product.